Ralph Durkee Consulting (Logo)

Custom Secure Network Solutions 
With Today's Technology 

Internet Web Services

Web Hosting Domain Hosting
Web Site Promotion Custom Web Sites

Network Security

Both Intranet (internal) and Internet network security require broad expertise. Network Security should not be left until the unthinkable happens. The time to think about Network security is before you have an incident. Have you had a recent network security assessment done for your site? Check out these sites for additional security information.

Technology Consulting and Training

What are the possibilities and options? Is a specific technology appropriate or effective for your needs? DCI can bring you up-to-date on the latest technologies and provide you a basic understanding of the technologies in order for you to make an informed decision and to be able to present the possibilities to your management or customers. DCI can also bring your developers and staff up to speed on a variety of the latest software technologies. 

Custom Internet System Software Development

Internet based software (IP networking) is the standard  for software products that need connectivity, performance and/or reliability.   If you're looking for professional expertise in helping develop secure networked, embedded or application software on any UNIX or MS Windows platforms, my twenty plus years of experience on performance computing systems will be valuable to your project. These days networking is a must; fortunately the options available for heterogeneous networking and system interoperability continue to grow.

Durkee Consulting, Inc.
7367 Evergreen St. PO Box 404
Lima, NY 14485
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